We believe that lawyers need a new way to experience themselves, and the world needs a new way to experience lawyers.

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Love Your Lawyer Day

We have made the statement before that Lawyers are a great blessing to the world. We mean it. Consider the most important ideas, movements or events that figured in to our nation’s history – The Gettysburg Address, The Bill of Rights, Brown v....

Client Service Deserves Your Focus

The past several years have rocked the legal industry, Big Law in particular. But even throughout the instability, client service has generally improved. While mergers and bankruptcies created uneasiness on the firm’s side of the equation, clients...

Legal Technology Developers Talk Sluggish Adoption

When Law 2023 released its findings two years ago, the legal technology startup industry was already changing the way tech-savvy attorneys worked. Since then, this startup niche has exploded, resulting in a higher quality and more diverse selection of...

When Shifting Strategies, Cultural Shifts Must Follow

For a law firm to practice Great Law, its attorneys must not only understand the difference between strategy and culture, they must pursue them both separately and deliberately. A heavy emphasis on strategy cannot make up for a lack of attention to...

Giving Away the Secret Sauce

Most lawyers are accustomed to the idea of providing free legal aid to the less fortunate as part of their commitment to the pro bono ethic. But in a growing trend, some law firms are extending their generosity beyond needy individuals to include...

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